Colored Envelopes Producer in Bulgaria
Choosing the right color is a very important part of picking out packaging and stationery. When it comes to envelopes the best option is to stick to the company colors, this way your mail will be easly identifiable and won’t end up as an unopened white envelope.Polycart LLC is a printed envelopes manufacturer in Bulgaria. We provide our customers with a wide section of envelopes and mailers in different sizes, colors, and styles for you to choose the most fitting on for your style. Custom-printed envelopes with a unique design are a great way to appear professional, but you don’t have to go all out with fully customized envelopes if you don’t want to. You can just change up small parts of an already existing product like adding a logo.
Contact Us
Office Address: Slavianska 46,
BG-2230 Kostinbrod, Bulgaria
Tel: +359 878 421007